var _langstr={"1":"My Home","2":"My Profile","3":"Administration","4":"Logout","11":"Company Profile","13":"Search","26":"RFX","29":"Share RFX Information","32":"Terms of Service","41":"RFX Open Period","42":"ID","45":"Project","46":"Status","48":"Tender","50":"Closed","56":"Description","57":"Attachments","62":"Closed time","63":"Line Items","64":"Item","65":"Quantity","66":"Currency","69":"Must Bid","71":"Payment / Shipping Terms","73":"Reminder","76":"Currency Resolution","78":"Purchase History","79":"Bid Increment Policy","80":"None","93":"Bidders","94":"Company","95":"Contact","96":"Phone","105":"Bid Visibility","112":"Time Remaining","113":"Line Item","115":"Bid Amount","116":"Subtotal","117":"Rank","118":"Best Bid","119":"Total","120":"Submit","121":"Reset","122":"Important Information","126":"Company","129":"RFX Owner","131":"Draft","132":"Published","137":"Activated","141":"Cancelled","144":"Quick Reverse Auction","148":"Reserve Price","157":"Yes","158":"No","161":"i-message","167":"view","172":"Template for Tender Only","175":"Please pause RFX before delete bid. Click \"Yes\" to pause RFX now.","184":"Active","187":"You can have up to 10 items for typical Reverse Auction. Extra items will be removed.","188":"Password","190":"Login","193":"Bid REJECTED! No bids allowed 10 seconds before close time.","195":"As auction with more than 10 bidders is highly compute-intensive, you are advised to limit the no. of items to 5 or 6. You can split the items into 2 or more RFXs if necessary. ","201":"edit","205":"Active RFXs","207":"Manager","208":"Date","209":"No. of RFXs","211":"Sequential RFXs","213":"Close","215":"Delete Bid is not allowed during Initial Bid for Sequential Items RFX.","216":"Number of RFXs","217":"Project Manager","218":"No description set.","224":"Type","225":"Owner","226":"Publish Time","227":"Open Time","228":"Close Time","232":"Duration","236":"Estimated/Budgeted Spend","237":"Saving Goals","238":"Documented Project Savings","239":"Implemented Project Savings","240":"Created by","243":"RFX Title","246":"Sequential RFXs Start Time","247":"Save","253":"Planned Start Date","254":"Planned End Date","255":"Actual Start Date","256":"Actual End Date","264":"Invite Bidders","265":"Add/Update Items","271":"Delete","276":"Internal Comment","283":"No bidders invited.","296":"Clone","298":"Step b. 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Price","354":"detail","355":"delete","356":"insert 5 empty rows","363":"Bid Decrement ","364":"Bid Decrement Policy","365":"Applied to Competing Bids","366":"Applied to Bidder\u0027s Own Bid","367":"Applied to Best Bid","368":"Applied to All Non-Best Bids","370":"Ver.","371":"Size","372":"Upload File","373":"File","374":"Browse","375":"All fields are required.","379":"Initial Bid Open Time","380":"Initial Bid Close Time","385":"Award Date","398":"Optional","401":"Add Transformation Factor","402":"Factor Name","403":"Ignore","406":"Absolute ($)","407":"Percentage (%)","408":"Add","416":"Bidder Visibility","426":"No Bid","427":"Best Bid","428":"All Bids","433":"Viewer","434":"No User added","435":"Add Users","436":"Team Member Name","438":"Enable Delete of RFX. Delete via RFX Overview page.","446":"Messages","451":"From","453":"Date and Time","454":"0 messages","455":"Compose New Message","456":"Recipients","457":"All Recipients","458":"Subject","459":"Send","461":"Reply","466":"reply","472":"Formula Bidding Worksheet","475":"cancel","481":"Unit Price","482":"Total Price","491":"disable","497":"My Bidders","498":"Public Bidders","500":"Company Name","501":"Keywords","502":"Company Phone","503":"Region","504":"Search Company","506":"Contact Name","507":"Contact Email","512":"No Result Found.","513":"Please check spelling or re-enter keyword.","517":"User Group","519":"Bidder","520":"Change Password","521":"Confirm Email","525":"Password must be 8-20 characters and it is case sensitive","530":"Preferred Language","540":"First Name","541":"Last Name","546":"Cell Phone","550":"City","551":"State/Province","552":"Postal Code","558":"Last Name is required","559":"Phone number should have 7 or more digits.","560":"Cell Phone is required","561":"Technical Viewer","562":"Blind the Sealed Bid for new round","563":"Enter Non-Price Score","570":"Classifications","571":"Additional Information","572":"Street Address","573":"Phone Number","574":"Web Address","579":"Reset Logo","591":"Others","593":"Products/Services","620":"Certification Name","621":"Certified By","622":"Certification Number","623":"Expiration Date","625":"Contact For More Info","626":"In your User Profile, your Region is now set as %REGION%. Please set your Region to China only if you are in mainland China.","627":"The search returned more than the maximum number of rows. ","628":"Phone Number is required","629":"Select your current location","630":"Please refine your search criteria.","636":"Sealed Bid","638":"Reverse Auction","640":"Request for Information","642":"Negotiation","644":"Quick Sealed Bid","647":"Quick Request for Info.","654":"Quick Forward Auction","663":"Total Value of Awards","671":"Complete RFX","672":"Access Key","673":"Remove","674":"No Attachment added.","675":"Version","678":"Item Name","680":"Create","681":"Message","682":"No Attachment. ","683":"Cancel","692":"Savings","697":"re-enabled","719":"or","723":"Base RFX Currency","725":"Rate","726":"No exchange rate defined","728":"This email exists in our system. Please enter another email.","729":"Confirm New Email does not match.","730":"If you cannot find the contact, go to Company Profile -\u003e users to invite the contact person to register. Click \"Add Users\" button below to proceed to Company Profile.","731":"Incorrect password.","733":"Password not match.","734":"Password is required.","736":"Created Time","737":"No RFX Found.","740":"Search Project","742":"Forward Auction","744":"Date Created","751":"Project ID","752":"Project Status","753":"Project Title","772":"Variance","777":"All","778":"Not Available","793":"RFX Paused","799":"Reset Password","802":"Sending Access Key","812":"Max Price","814":"Failed to communicate with server, please retry","815":"Access Denied","816":"Amount","818":"Street Add.(Line 1)","819":"Street Add.(Line 2)","823":"External Recipients (separated by \";\")","824":"Add Member","825":"Add Viewer","832":"Blinded RFXs are included in this report","837":"Add New Text Article","838":"Content","843":"Download","844":"Title","845":"Last Edited","859":"Error","871":"View","955":"MINUTES","956":"HOURS","1377":"Bid Increment","1380":"Activate RFX","1381":"Activating...Please Wait…","1382":"De-Activate RFX","1383":"De-Activating...Please Wait…","1384":"Successfully Activated.","1385":"Successfully De-Activated.","1386":"Publish Time / Open Time / Close Time not set.","1387":"Open Time should not be later than Close Time. Please reset timing.","1388":"Communicating with server…","1389":"Delete RFX","1390":"Confirm Delete","1391":"Fail to delete","1392":"Failed to communicate with server.","1393":"Contact Information","1394":"Contact First Name","1395":"Contact Last Name","1396":"Invalid email format. Format should be \\u0027.","1397":"Email not match, please retry.","1398":"Select a Language…","1399":"Keywords (Use semicolons to separate keywords. Example : Nuts; Bolts; Nails)","1400":"Sending…","1401":"Successfully sent","1402":"Username(Email) is already registered in the system.","1403":"Please fix invalid fields","1404":"Invalid time sequence","1405":"Item Definition","1406":"Item Quantity","1407":"Unit Of Measurement","1408":"Historic/Reference Price","1409":"Item Number","1410":"Bid Constraints","1411":"Minumum Price","1412":"Maximum Price","1413":"Optional Settings","1414":"Allow partial quantity bid","1415":"Minimum Quantity","1416":"Maximum Quantity","1417":"Notify bidders when reserve price is met","1418":"Loading","1419":"Load Failed","1420":"Remove All Bids","1421":"Saving this changes will remove all current bids in this RFX. Are you sure you want to SAVE changes?","1422":"Saving Failed","1423":"Creating in progress, please wait…","1424":"Saving Data…","1425":"Creating failed","1426":"Create/Edit Item","1427":"Saving Items","1428":"Saving in progress, please wait…","1429":"Saving…","1430":"Successfully Saved","1431":"Delete Item","1432":"Confirm delete item?","1433":"OK","1434":"Fail to delete item.","1435":"Saving Failed. All RFXs in Closed status.","1436":"Edit Attachment","1437":"Confirm remove attachment?","1438":"Remove Attachment","1439":"Must have at least one alphabet, number and special character","1440":"Fail to remove attachment.","1441":"Enable/Disable Failed","1442":"Remove Bidder","1443":"Confirm remove bidder?","1444":"Fail to remove bidder.","1445":"Sending in progress, please wait...","1446":"Loading RFXs","1447":"Loading in progress, please wait…","1448":"Loading…","1449":"Cloning not allowed due to template restrictions.","1450":"Checking Failed","1451":"Loading User(s)","1452":"Adding User","1453":"Adding in progress, please wait…","1454":"Adding…","1455":"Adding Failed","1456":"Confirm remove user?","1457":"Remove User(s)","1458":"Fail to remove user.","1459":"Remove User","1461":"Please enter Company Name, Contact Email OR Keyword.","1462":"Search Bidder","1463":"Searching failed. Please enter Company Name or Contact Email.","1464":"Search","1465":"Searching in progress, please wait…","1466":"Searching…","1467":"Searching Failed","1468":"Search Result for","1469":"No Bidder Found","1470":"Search Bidder Result","1471":"Adding Bidder","1472":"Please enter Company Name.","1473":"Searching failed. Please enter Company Name.","1474":"Invalid DateTime","1475":"DateTime is not in the correct format.","1476":"Required Field","1477":"Duration is required for sequential RFX.","1478":"Saving Sequential RFXs","1479":"Sending Message","1480":"Sending Failed","1481":"All Currency Rates are required.","1482":"Saving Data","1483":"Delete Currency","1484":"Confirm delete currency?","1485":"Fail to delete currency.","1486":"Please select a currency.","1487":"Adding Currency","1488":"Adding Transformation Factors","1489":"Value is not valid.","1490":"Saving Transformation Factor Values","1491":"Enable Bidder","1492":"Disable Bidder","1493":"Details","1494":"Profile","1495":"RFX is currently Published.","1496":"Bidding is currently Open","1497":"Bid Now","1498":"Saving Timing","1499":"day","1500":"days","1501":"You are not authorized to use this feature.","1502":"Send","1503":"Live Bid is currently in Quiet Time","1504":"Live Bid is currently in Pending Time.","1505":"Initial Bid is currently Open","1506":"Live Bid is currently Closed","1507":"RFX is Completed.","1508":"RFX is Cancelled.","1509":"Live Bid is currently Paused.","1510":"Initial Bid is currently Paused.","1511":"RFX is New.","1512":"Pending Period","1513":"Initial Bid Period","1514":"Rejected Price","1515":"Posted","1516":"Bid accepted by the system","1517":"Rejected","1518":"Please review the highlighted prices and re-submit","1519":"Failed to communicate with server, please try again later.","1520":"Confirmation","1521":"Confirm clearing the prices entered and revert to last submitted price?","1522":"Item id","1523":"not found","1524":"Activate Project","1525":"Are you sure you want to ACTIVATE this Project?","1526":"Activating project failed","1527":"Close Project","1528":"Are you sure you want to CLOSE this project?","1529":"Closing project failed","1530":"Complete Project","1531":"Are you sure you want to COMPLETE this Project? You will not be able to reactivate this project after complete.","1532":"Completing project failed. Some RFX(s) in this project not completed yet.","1533":"Delete Project ","1534":"User exist","1535":"Please enter your login email address","1536":"Edit Transformation Factor","1537":"Delete Transformation Factor","1538":"Confirm Delete Transformation Factor?","1539":"Are you sure you want to","1540":"in this RFX?","1541":"disable","1542":"Delete Bid","1543":"Confirm delete bid?","1544":"Fail to delete bid.","1545":"Are you sure you want to DELETE this RFx?","1546":"Deleting RFX Failed","1547":"Are you sure you want to COMPLETE this RFX?","1548":"Complete RFX Failed","1549":"Cancel RFX","1550":"Are you sure you want to CANCEL this RFX? Once cancelled, this RFX cannot be reopened.","1551":"Cancel RFX Failed","1552":"Close RFX","1553":"Are you sure you want to CLOSE this RFX?","1554":"Close RFX Failed","1555":"Pause RFX Failed","1558":"Saving","1559":"Reopen failed. Sequential RFXs in progress.","1560":"Reopen / Resume","1561":"Please enter duration","1562":"Extend Failed","1563":"Remove From My Bidders","1564":"Add To My Bidders","1565":"My Bidder","1566":"Adding To My Bidders","1567":"Removing From My Bidders","1568":"Removing in progress, please wait…","1569":"Removing…","1570":"Removing Failed","1571":"Invite New User Registration","1572":"Confirm complete selected RFX?","1573":"Fail to complete selected RFX.","1575":"award","1576":"Password not match, please retry.","1577":"Bidder Registration","1578":"Registration in progress, please wait…","1579":"Registration…","1580":"Registration","1581":"Successfully Registered.","1582":"Registration Failed","1594":"This is a Tender RFX. Download worksheets, fill in bid prices and Upload the worksheets using the same file name and extension.","1596":"Field with (*) is required.","1598":"This RFX is paused by the RFX Owner. No bidders can submit any bids during this time. Contact RFX Owner if you have any question.","1617":"Please wait","1618":"Edit","1620":"Click to Add Recipients","1621":"Message is required.","1622":"Please enter the message for bidders","1623":"Failure setting value","1624":"No Project Found.","1625":"Please select RFx Type.","1627":"Changing in progress, please wait…","1628":"Changing…","1629":"Password Successfully Changed.","1630":"Changing Password Failed","1631":"Edit Text Article","1632":"Delete Text Article","1633":"Fail to delete text article","1634":"Delete Document","1635":"Confirm delete document?","1636":"Edit Document","1637":"Edit Template Description","1644":"Keyword","1663":"Remarks","1675":"No Document added.","1676":"No Text Article added.","1684":"No Sequential RFXs.","1685":"Reset Failed.","1686":"Start Time is Required.","1687":"Start Time should be set later than current time.","1688":"Resetting in progress, please wait…","1689":"Resetting…..","1690":"Fail changing data in Sequential RFXs because all RFXs in Closed status.","1694":"Resend","1695":"Text Article List","1696":"insert","1698":"Resetting only allow when all RFXs not started.","1699":"Insert From Library","1700":"All time should be set later than Current Time. Please reset timing.","1701":"Initial Bid Close Time should be later than Initial Bid Open Time. Please reset timing.","1702":"Open Time should be later than Initial Bid Close Time. Please reset timing.","1703":"Close Time should be later than Open Time. Please reset timing.","1704":"Publish Time should be earlier than Initial Bid Open Time or Open Time.","1705":"Award Date should be later than Close Date.","1707":"No Item Available","1708":"Item Level Transformation Factor cannot be added.","1709":"Seq, Quantity and Unit are required.","1715":"Pipeline Title","1716":"Budgeted Spend","1717":"Negotiated Spend","1718":"Start Date","1719":"Complete By","1720":"Assign To","1721":"From","1722":"To","1723":"Resend Registration Email","1724":"User Agreement","1725":"Usage Guideline","1726":"Privacy Policy","1727":"Publish Time has not been set.","1728":"Document List","1729":"Select a File…..","1730":"File Upload","1731":"Upload Failure","1732":"Uploading your file...","1733":"Saving RFX","1734":"Send Access Key","1735":"Review","1736":"Blind Sealed Bid","1738":"pipeline","1739":"Edit Pipeline","1740":"Add Pipeline","1741":"Select a Member…","1742":"No Pipeline found.","1743":"Start Time should be later than Initial Bid Close Time. Please reset timing.","1744":"One of the RFX in Sequential RFXs has been set \"Initial Bid\" session. Please reset Start Time which is later than Initial Bid Close Time.","1745":"This RFX is part of a Sequential RFXs. Please reset Sequential RFXs Start Time.","1746":"Link to Pipeline","1747":"Pipeline","1748":"This RFX is link to Pipeline :","1749":"Click here to view Pipeline.","1750":"Open Time should be later than Initial Bid Open Time. Please reset timing.","1752":"This RFX is not link to any Pipeline. Click on the \"Link to Pipeline\" button below to link.","1753":"Negotiated Spend is required in order to link to pipeline.","1754":"link","1755":"Click on \"Save\" button to proceed saving pipeline.","1756":"Negotiated Spend is successfully saved but this RFX is not link to any Pipeline because no link found.","1758":"All Users","1761":"View Pipeline","1762":"\"To\" Complete Date should be later than \"From\" Complete Date.","1763":"Initial Bid Close Time is required.","1764":"Only 50 results will be displayed here.","1765":"Delete Pipeline","1766":"Fail to delete pipeline","1772":"Award Value","1773":"PO Number","1774":"Total Spend","1775":"Total Saving","1776":"Send Award","1777":"New Award Scenario","1782":"Scenario Name","1784":"Step 1 Filter Bidders and/or Items","1785":"All Bidders","1786":"All Items","1787":"Evaluation Method","1788":"Bid Price only","1789":"By Score (price rating + non-price rating)","1790":"Award by Individual Item","1791":"Award by RFX Total Price","1792":"Include Transformational Factors","1793":"Award Criteria","1794":"Winning Bidders only","1795":"Leading (2) Bidders","1796":"Leading (3) Bidders","1797":"\u003c\u003c Previous","1798":"Next \u003e\u003e","1799":"Step 2 Build Award Scenario","1800":"Award Qty","1801":"Un-awarded Qty","1802":"Award Amount","1803":"Saving ($)","1804":"Rationale","1805":"No Item Selected.","1806":"No Bidder Selected.","1807":"Award by Item or by RFX","1808":"Generating Award...Please Wait....","1809":"Bidder Currency","1810":"Send award notification to bidder","1811":"Award Conditions / Additional Comments","1812":"PO Number is required.","1813":"Cancel Award","1814":"Confirm CANCEL award for ","1815":"Score Compilation","1816":"Calculate","1817":"Price Weighting","1818":"Non-Price Weighting","1819":"Calculate using Transformation prices","1820":"Non-$ Score","1821":"Fill in by Buyer. Not necessary adds up to 100%","1823":"Total Price ($)","1824":"Delete Award","1826":"OU Name can contains only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), one dot (.) and comma (,). Special characters are not allowed.","1827":"Non-$ Score is required for one of the bidder.","1828":"Please \"Calculate\" to get the correct data when making any Non-$ Score changes.","1829":"Submitted bid price without transformation.","1831":"\"New Award Scenario\" link will only appear after Initial Bid or Live Bid.","1832":"Saving Award","1833":"View Award","1834":"Scenario Title is required.","1835":"Price Weighting or Non-Price Weighting must be numeric.","1836":"Price Weighting and Non-Price Weighting must add up to 100%.","1837":"Order Line Items","1840":"Upload Time","1841":"Invalid format. Only numeric allowed.","1843":"Submit Attachments","1846":"must not be more than 70 characters. Please simplify the sentence.","1848":"send award","1853":"There is an EXISTING award for this company. Are you sure you want to REPLACE this award?","1854":"Existing Award","1855":"Have passed the deadline to submit attachments, do you still decide to submit this file?","1856":"Add Certification","1857":"Edit Certification","1858":"Certification Name is required.","1859":"Upload","1860":"Successfully Uploaded","1862":"is not valid.","1863":"Please check General Info tab.","1864":"Please check Marketing tab.","1865":"Clear","1867":"Incorrect Current Password.","1868":"Confirm New Password not match.","1869":"edit users","1872":"Assigned Buyer","1873":"Clone To New RFX","1874":"Clone To","1875":"Add User Group","1876":"No User Group added.","1877":"Load User Group","1878":"Added Users","1879":"Adding User Group","1880":"Confirm remove User Group(s)?","1881":"Remove User Group","1883":"No Viewer added.","1884":"User Groups","1885":"Purchase Request is Completed.","1886":"Deleting this User Group will at the same time deleting added User Group in RFX.","1890":"Prerequisites","1891":"Question","1892":"Gate Type","1893":"New Prerequisite","1894":"Question Type","1895":"Reading RFX Gate Automatic Approval","1896":"Reading RFX Gate Manual Approval","1899":"Bid Submission Gate Automatic Approval","1900":"Bid Submission Gate Manual Approval","1902":"Reject","1903":"YES/NO Question ","1904":"Short Answer","1905":"Upload Attachment ","1906":"Answer","1907":"Update Status","1908":"Approval Status","1909":"Update","1910":"Approve","1911":"Not Responded","1912":"Pending","1915":"Prerequisite has been rejected (or acceptance has been overriden by Buyer, if Buyer Review is required).","1917":"Edit Prerequisite","1918":"Question / File is required.","1919":"Invalid file name.","1920":"Error uploading file","1921":"One or more prerequisites not responded.","1922":"Please Select...","1923":"Reading Gate need approval from Buyer.","1924":"Please contact Buyer for further information.","1925":"Proceed","1926":"Please answer the question.","1927":"Submission Gate Prerequisite need to be fulfilled before entering Bidding Page","1928":"Updating in progress, please wait…","1929":"Updating…","1930":"No Prerequisite added.","1932":"Submission Gate need approval from Buyer.","1933":"Registration failed due to exceed maximum users. Please contact company administrator for support.","1934":"Recipient is required.","1935":"Recipients : Invalid email format / Email not found in system.","1936":"No recipient found.","1937":"Invalid file type. Only (.xls) file allowed.","1938":"Step 1. Download Template","1939":"Click the following link to download the Item Template Spreadsheet.","1940":"Download Template","1941":"Step 2. Upload Template","1942":"After saving your item list in Item Template Spreadsheet, please upload it here.","1943":"Upload Behavior ","1944":"Append To Existing Items","1945":"Overwrite Existing Items ","1946":"Add Classification","1949":"Proceeding...","1950":"Reply Message ","1953":"Edit Category","1954":"Add Category","1955":"No Classification found.","1956":"Delete Classification(s)","1957":"Deleting main classification will at the same time delete sub-classifications. Are you sure you want to DELETE?","1958":"Deleting...","1959":"Deleting failed.","1960":"Confirm delete classification(s)?","1967":"Create New Survey","1968":"Surveys","1977":"Step b. Click on Survey Title to CLONE.","1980":"Survey Title","1986":"Open Time","1995":"Question Text","1996":"Weight (%)","1997":" Create Question","1998":"Question Type","1999":"Question Weight (%)","2000":"Short Answer (single line text)","2001":"Long Answer (multiline text)","2002":"Drop Down List (single answer)","2003":"Checkboxes (multiple answers)","2004":"Radio Buttons (with \"Other\" field)","2005":"Attachment (max 10MB)","2014":"Weight Visible to Respondents","2017":"Loading Surveys","2018":"Name","2019":"Mandatory","2021":"Page Name","2022":"Page Description","2023":"Page Weight (%)","2024":"Create New Page","2025":" Edit Page","2031":"Last Updated Time","2037":"Scorecard Title","2039":"Generate Scorecard","2045":"Weight","2052":"Add External Respondent","2053":"Invite External Respondent Registration","2059":"Add Internal Respondents","2060":"Add Scorers","2067":"Survey Title is required.","2068":"No External Respondent added.","2069":"No Internal Respondent added.","2070":"Remove Respondent","2071":"Confirm remove respondent?","2072":"Fail to remove respondent.","2073":"Adding Respondents","2082":"No Question found.","2083":"Score Range : 0~100","2087":"Completed Scorers","2090":"No User selected.","2091":"No Text added.","2092":"Survey Templates","2093":"Create Survey From Library","2097":"Edit Question","2098":"Weight must be integer, non-negative value and not exceed 100%.","2099":"Remove Question","2100":"Confirm remove question?","2101":"Remove Page","2102":"Confirm remove page?","2106":"All Seq are required and have to be in integer.","2107":"Total of Scorers Weight must be 100%.","2108":"Options are needed for selected Question Type.","2109":"Activate Survey","2110":"De-Activate Survey","2111":"Open Time / Close Time not set.","2113":"Your Score","2114":"Upload Items","2115":"Upload Failure","2116":"Uploading your items...","2117":"Step 1 Filter Respondents and/or Scorers","2118":"Step 2 Enter weight for Scorers","2119":"All Respondents","2120":"All Scorers","2122":"Scorecard Title is required.","2124":"Survey is currently Open","2125":"Survey is currently Activated.","2126":"Survey is currently Closed","2127":"Survey is Completed.","2128":"Internal Survey","2129":"No Scorecard added.","2134":"Page","2135":"Create Survey","2136":"Please enter Survey Title","2137":"Update Weight","2138":"Please enter new Weight for","2139":"Reopen","2140":"Close Survey","2141":"Are you sure you want to CLOSE this Survey?","2142":"Close Survey Failed","2143":"Delete Survey","2144":"Are you sure you want to DELETE this Survey?","2145":"Deleting Survey Failed","2146":"Complete Survey","2147":"Are you sure you want to COMPLETE this Survey?","2148":"Complete Survey Failed","2149":"Survey Owner","2150":"Respondent ","2151":"Visible","2152":"is Mandatory.","2153":"Questions","2160":"Late Submission","2164":"You need to create a survey before cloning it.","2170":"Score must be integer, non-negative value and not exceed 100%.","2173":"Search Survey","2174":"more...","2180":"Comparison Scoring","2181":"Score","2182":"Export","2183":"Please be reminded that some Mandatory question(s) are not answered yet.","2184":"Numerical","2188":"Delete Survey Template","2189":"Fail to delete survey template","2191":"No Survey Template found.","2192":"Only latest 50 survey templates will be displayed here.","2198":"No Survey Selected.","2199":"RFX List","2200":"Award List","2201":"Savings by RFXs","2202":"Bidder Participation","2203":"Bidders in a RFX","2210":"Generate","2211":"From #","2212":"To #","2213":"Inserting in progress, please wait…","2214":"Click on Title to view Survey Overview.","2217":"Search Respondent","2218":"Search Respondent Result","2219":"Initiate Respondent Registration","2220":"Name and Budgeted Spend is required.","2221":"No Transformation Factor.","2222":"Insert From Library","2223":"Category","2225":"Please enter RFX ID.","2230":"Template Type","2231":"Categorization","2232":"Lowest Total Bid Price","2233":"Highest Total Bid Price","2234":"Please select the Fields you would like to display on your Report","2235":"Generate Report","2236":"Bidder Code","2237":"Bidder Classification","2238":"Bidder Code already exists.","2239":"Total Line Items Uploaded","2240":"Maximum file size is 10MB.","2241":"icon appears by item name when item\u0027s Reserve Price has been met. ","2242":"Cloning","2243":"Cloning in progress…please wait…","2247":"General Question","2248":"Edit Answer","2249":"Answer is required.","2250":"Private Bidder","2253":"Search By Classification","2254":"Bidder Code only applicable for My Bidders.","2255":"Filtering","2256":"filter","2258":"Award Details","2259":"Select All Fields","2262":"Company Name exist. Click \"Yes\" to continue registering or \"No\" to modify Company Name.","2264":"This bid has been removed due to Item Values Changed.","2265":"Click OK to refresh the page.","2266":"Click OK to Edit Timing page.","2267":"Adding currency failed. Selected currency has been added to this RFX.","2268":"You will receive a verification email. Please follow the instruction in the email to reset your password or unlock account.","2269":"User not found, please retry.","2270":"Recover Login Email Address","2271":"Please enter both your first name and last name to retrieve your login email address.","2272":"Alternatively, you may enter your cell phone number below (without country and area code) for retrieval.","2273":"No Record Found.","2274":"Email field cannot be empty, please correct and retry.","2275":"Account Locked","2276":"Your account is locked due to excessive login attempt, do you want to perform email verification to reset password?","2277":"Account Expired.","2278":"If need help, please contact","2279":"Please renew your professional account on the login page.","2280":"User not registered, please check email to get Registration Link.","2281":"Server Error","2282":"Email dispatched to","2283":"Unspecified error, please retry.","2284":"If 2 or more files need to be submitted, please zip them before upload.","2285":"New submitted file will overwrite existing file.","2290":"Upload attachment function has been disabled. ","2291":"You can upgrade your account to remove this limitation. ","2292":"You have reached the defined limit for RFX creation. ","2293":"Reminder! You have reached the defined limit for bidders in a RFX, only 3 bidders allowed. ","2294":"Upgrade Now","2296":"Error deleting item.","2297":"Error removing bidder.","2298":"Upload Mega-items not allowed.","2299":" RFX is in","2300":"Cloning not allowed.","2311":"You can create new Buyer Input (item info) columns by clicking Add Column and check Buyer Input.","2312":"Additional Item Columns","2313":"Label","2314":"Data Type","2315":"Buyer Input","2316":"Additional","2317":"costs","2318":"Cost Breakdown","2319":"Text","2320":"Numeric","2321":"Unit $","2322":"Base $","2325":"No changes in Bidding Price. Only additional info saved.","2326":"More than one field with \"Quantity\" field type. Additional Item Field can only contain ONE \"Quantity\" field type. Please make changes to the list.","2327":"Edit Additional Field","2328":"Upload Bid Worksheets","2329":"Download Bid Worksheets","2330":"Report Name","2331":"Project Details","2332":"RFX Details","2333":"Invalid Project ID. Please enter the correct format of Project ID (P-1234).","2334":"Invalid RFX ID. Please enter the correct format of RFX ID (R-1234).","2335":"Please enter required values for Additional Item Fields.","2336":"Click OK to Edit Items page.","2339":"Decrement %","2340":"Upper Range Protection %","2341":"Lower Range Protection %","2342":"Power Bid","2345":"Bidders must attach Pre-bid document before submit bids","2346":"Item and Bidder are required. Please add them before activate.","2347":"Decrease %","2348":"Decrease % is required. Only numeric allowed.","2349":"Unit Price is blank.","2350":"Decrease % is blank.","2351":"Delete All","2352":"Bid Rejected: Upper/Lower Range Decrement Rule","2355":"First Item Close Time is required when Sequential Items is enable.","2356":"First Item Close Time should be later than Open Time. Please reset timing.","2357":"Close Duration is required when Sequential Items is enabled.","2358":"Bid Decrement with Winner protection Reverse Auction","2359":"Only Bid Decrement Policy OR Bid Decrement Winner Protection is allowed. Please reset values.","2360":"Own Bid Decrement %","2361":"Failed to delete attachment because at least ONE attachment is required for bid submission. If this attachment is wrongly uploaded, please upload a new attachment before delete.","2362":"Not allowed to change bid price for this item because it is disabled.","2374":"Matrix","2375":"Row","2376":"Column","2377":"Question Type and Question Text required.","2380":"At least ONE column and ONE row required.","2381":"Only Draft or Activated Survey is editable.","2388":"Bid Rejected: Access Denied","2398":"Are you sure you want to switch to Standard Items?","2399":"Are you sure you want to switch to Multivariable Bid?","2400":"Once switched, previous data will be deleted and cannot be undone.","2401":"Only Draft or Activated RFX is editable.","2402":"All bids will be removed if Quantity or Unit is changed before RFX closes.","2403":"Only can add or edit items when RFX is active (status not Closed).","2404":"Check at least ONE template.","2408":"All Fields","2409":"Selected Fields","2415":"Title and Base Currency are required fields.","2417":"Bidder Currency is required.","2418":"Only Draft or Activated RFX is allow for cloning.","2425":"RFX is Closed. Only Test Event, Comment \u0026 Classification is editable.","2426":"Click to Calculate Bid Decrement","2429":"There are existing bids in this RFX.","2431":"Cloning not allowed due to Item Structure (Standard or Multivariable Bid) not match.","2434":"Increment %","2435":"Click to Calculate Bid Increment","2436":"Increase %","2437":"Increase % is required. Only numeric allowed.","2438":"Increase % is blank.","2441":"Scoring only allowed for Closed Survey.","2446":" is required.","2447":"Need a new RFxConfig Excel file.","2448":"You can REUSE previously downloaded template.","2452":"Click \"\u003cu\u003eEnable Macros\u003c/u\u003e\" if you see this message when opening the Excel.","2455":"User Disabled.","2456":"Please contact helpdesk.","2457":"Item Close Time","2458":"Resume from item","2459":"Reopen for item","2460":"Only able to reopen when status is CLOSED.","2461":"Winner Protect Till Rank","2464":"Click here","2465":"File path not in correct format.","2467":"Unblind","2468":"Only able to unblind bids when RFX is CLOSED.","2470":"Are you sure you want to UNBLIND this RFX?","2471":"This action cannot be undone.","2472":"Report by Bidders","2473":"Report by Items","2474":"Report by Variables","2475":"Price Deflation","2477":"Initial Price","2479":"Main Contact","2481":"Are you sure to submit this bid?","2483":"Please finish your Company Profile.","2484":"Invalid Bid Amount","2485":"You have enter","2486":"Amount must be equal or higher than","2487":"Bid Price Safety Net is required and must be integer.","2489":"Bidder Company","2501":"All % must be between 1-100.","2506":"Score","2508":"There is show Best Bid settings in this RFX.","2509":"Click \"Yes\" to Save Score Auction configurations and automatically set all show Best Bid settings to No Bid.","2510":"Non-Price Score is required for all bidders.","2511":"Cancel Score Auction","2512":"All configurations in Score Auction will be deleted. Are you sure you want to proceed?","2513":"This RFX has been configured as Score Auction. Number of items is limit to 8.","2514":"For more information regarding Score Auction configuration, please contact support at ","2526":"Non-Price Score","2529":"Quick Awards","2532":"Award available when RFX is closed or unblind.","2534":"Quick SmartBid","2535":"We will create a new ","2536":" RFX.","2544":"Bidder List","2551":"Close Request","2552":"Are you sure you want to CLOSE this request? Once closed, this request cannot be reopened.","2559":"Show Rank","2561":"Upload RFxConfig template. Make sure you have item and supplier details.","2578":"Requested","2592":"RFX information document required.","2593":"Enable Schedule Function","2594":"Schedule Date invalid. Please reschedule.","2598":"Created","2600":"Cancel Request","2601":"Are you sure you want to CANCEL this request? Once cancelled, this request cannot be reopened.","2602":"Cancel Request Failed","2603":"Upload Failed.","2604":"Please make sure you are connected to internet and file is less than 10MB.","2605":"My Best Offer","2606":"Best and Final Offer","2612":"Quick RFXByExcel","2618":"Proceed?","2633":"Click here for more information","2637":"General Questions","2638":"Bidders are encouraged to answer the following questions before submitting bids.","2639":"New General Question","2640":"Edit General Question","2641":"No General Question added.","2642":"Click to Update Status","2643":"Prerequisites \u0026 General Questions","2644":"A Support Request that is not completed or submitted to Tactica yet. You can reuse Draft that you created previously.","2645":"Support Request already submitted to the Customer Success Centre (CSC), pending confirmation. Contact CSC ( for status.","2646":"Status changed to “Created” after CSC configures the RFX on your behalf. You will be required to check the RFX before publishing.","2647":"This status only apply to TacticSource DEMO request.  “Closed” means your request already been confirmed.","2648":"Update Best Offer","2653":"score rank:","2662":"Configure Max Prices","2663":"Show To","2664":"view filtering","2665":"Bidder MUST submit bid for this item","2666":"show bidders","2667":"Bidder must lower their bid by at least","2668":"Maximum Price Bidders Can Submit","2669":"Minimum Price Bidders Can Submit ","2670":"Calculate Bid Decrement Amount (Reverse Auction only)","2671":"of Estimated Price","2672":"Click to calculate","2673":" settings at item level will be removed.","2674":"Bid Decrement Amount","2675":"Bid Increment Amount","2676":"File URL","2677":"Bid Decrement Amount Equals To","2678":" settings at RFX level will be removed.","2679":"Proposed Bid Decrements Value","2680":"The bid amount by which next bid will be decreased relative to current best bid. Generally it\u0027s suggested to be 0.25%-0.5% of Reference Price.","2681":"Currency / Resolution","2689":"Have all changes in the RFX been saved?","2690":"maximum %ITEM_LIMIT% items","2691":"applied to all items","2692":"Bidders can see","2693":"User Inactive.","2694":"Start Date","2696":"Please select bidding time","2703":"Existing attachment from library","2709":" is created.","2711":"Step 1. Download RFX Configuration Template","2712":"Step 2. Upload Template \u0026 Create New RFX","2713":"Any questions, please contact","2714":"MIN. Decrement Amount","2718":"Rank will be displayed to all bidders","2719":"Rank will not be displayed to all bidders","2738":"If you want to leave this page, ","2739":"click here to Home page.","2740":"view award email sample","2741":"Email Sample","2744":"Successful","2746":"Bidder must increase their bids by at least","2752":"Transformation Factors are set in this RFX. You must check \"Display Transformation Pricing\" if you decide to show Best Bid to bidders. ","2753":"Click OK to edit Bidder Visibility.","2762":"Cloning not allowed due to RFX members restriction.","2763":"Access denied due to access control. Contact host Administrator for further assistance.","2764":"Search Award","2767":"There has been generated award in this RFX. Proceed to reopen?","2771":"Hide","2773":"Approver","2774":"Suggested Bidders","2775":"Need By","2778":"Pending","2779":"Approved","2780":"PR has been sent to the selected Approver. No action has been taken by the Approver on this PR. ","2781":"Your PR is rejected. Contact the Approver if needed.","2782":"PR has been approved. The selected “Send to” user will receive your request, and the status turns to Published now.","2784":"uncompleted PR that you can edit or reuse.","2785":"The PR is submitted. It is also the Pending status if approval process is needed.","2786":"The Assigned Buyer receives your PR. Or, if applicable, the Approver has approved this PR.","2787":"Your PR is rejected. Contact the Approver if needed","2788":"Assigned Buyer rejected the Purchase Request.","2789":"A new RFX is created for this PR.","2790":"Approve Purchase Request","2791":"Reject Purchase Request","2792":"In progress… Please Wait","2794":"Please select a Template","2796":"Cancel Request","2797":"Please enter reason for rejecting / cancelling this Purchase Request.","2801":"No Classification checked.","2805":"Next Round","2806":"New Close Time","2807":"Invited Bidders","2808":"Set bidders’ current bids as their starting prices for new round.","2811":"Requested By","2815":"Search Purchase Request","2816":"View Bid Page","2820":"Ref. Price: Enter estimated unit price","2823":"Oops! You don’t have access yet.","2824":"You don’t have the right to use this template yet. It is a useful RFX that save you time and money. To use it, please contact Tactica Customer Success Centre. ","2826":"Transformation Factor not editable if one or more bid have been submitted.","2830":"More Than or Equal To (QTY)","2831":"Discounted Bid Amount","2832":"Discounted Subtotal","2833":"Non-Discounted Bid Amount","2834":"Discounted QTY can higher or lower than the buyer requested QTY, but the Discounted Price must lower than Non-Discounted Price.","2835":"Alternate Bids","2836":"Both quantity and discounted bid amount required.","2838":"No value entered.","2841":"This is an Open RFX.","2850":"Item is required. Please add them before activate.","2851":"Copy URL","2852":"External Respondents will be removed.","2853":"Internal Respondents will be removed.","2854":"If [This is an Open RFX] is checked, all existing invited bidders will be removed.","2855":"Bidder is required. Please add them before activate.","2856":"All Online Bidders","2859":"System will send notification to all invited bidders.","2860":"Item Total Price","2861":"Additional Item Columns","2862":"Add Column","2863":"To submit multivariable bids online, click","2865":"Questionnaire is currently Open","2866":"Questionnaire is currently Closed","2867":"Questionnaire is currently Published","2868":"Answers submitted successfully.","2870":"Attachment is required. Please add them before activate.","2876":"Currency Rates","2877":"Rejected Bidder","2878":"Mandatory","2884":"Please enter at least one item quantity.","2885":"Bidders Invited","2886":"Bidders Participated","2887":"No. Awarded","2888":"Lead Bid Savings","2889":"Awarded Value","2890":"Awarded Savings","2891":"No. of Bidders","2892":"Winning Bidder","2893":"Lead Bid Total","2894":"Total Items","2895":"No. of Items Bidded","2896":"Lead Bid Items","2897":"Awarded Items","2898":"Total Value Award","2899":"Assigned To","2900":"Bidder Name","2902":"Project List","2903":"Sourcing Pipeline","2904":"Max. of 24 months","2905":"# Filter by Publish Date","2906":"# Filter by Close Date","2907":"Only Published and Open RFX will be shown.","2908":"# Filter by Project Create Date","2909":"# Filter by Completed Date","2910":"Registered Date","2911":"No. of RFX Participated","2912":"No. Registered","2913":"Bidders Viewed RFX","2914":"Award By","2915":"Submitted Bid","2916":"Completed RFX","2917":"Awarded RFX","2927":"Configure Report","2928":"Working hard creating the report! Click OK after the MS Excel report is downloaded.","2929":"select","2930":"Item View","2931":"Total View","2932":"Top 3 View","2933":"Report Type","2940":"Test Event","2941":"RFX cannot be activated because you have not specified whether this RFX is a test event or not.","2942":"Test Event will not be included in report","2950":"Create Account","2951":"Note","2955":"Public email address registration is not supported. Please use your company email address.","2956":"Your account already exists. Please login directly.","2957":"You company already registered under user ","2958":"Payment Method","2962":"Add User","2963":"To register more than one user, you need to upgrade to Professional Account. Please contact \u003ca href=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e.","2964":"Welcome to ","2965":"Click “\u003cimg alt=\u0027\u0027 src=\u0027../images.2/user_guide.png\u0027 height=\u002720\u0027 /\u003e New to TS” to learn how to use the platform. Some short videos to get you started.","2966":"Do not show me next time.","2967":"Manual Close","2968":"Manual close Purchase Request, if the request is completed but status not updated.","2971":"Billing Information","2972":"Account No.","2980":"Discount","2982":"Apply","2986":"No","2988":"How to prepare for Reverse Auction","3000":"via \u003ca target=\u0027_blank\u0027 href=\"\"\u003eWeTransfer\u003c/a\u003e / \u003ca target=\u0027_blank\u0027 href=\"\"\u003e百度网盘\u003c/a\u003e","3001":"Share URL","3002":"Edit URL","3003":" to Buyer","3004":"Message in RFX Invitation email (optional)","3005":" for more information","3013":"Go to “My Profile” to update your password and preferred currency.","3019":"2nd. Authentication","3020":"Please enter the 6-digit Authentication Code sent to ","3021":"Invalid Authentication Code","3022":"WeChat ID","3023":"Get Started","3024":"Authentication Code","3025":"Bids will not be displayed till the RFX is unblind.","3026":"We do not recommend suppliers to use QQ email address for registration. Otherwise, suppliers may not be able to receive system notification emails automatically sent by TacticSource platform.","3027":"Click here for details.","3028":"If you forget your password, please reset it.","3029":"Username(Email) already exists but registration has not been completed.","3030":"Click on the name to join the company","3031":"Your email domain is ​​the same as the following company, click on the name to join the company","3032":"Create new company","3033":"Payment Date","3034":"Payment No.","3035":"Payer Email","3036":"Payer Name","3037":"Amount","3038":"TACTICA Ref. Code","3039":"Bank Receipt","3040":"Error Code","3041":"Fapiao","3042":"Item","3043":"Paid","3044":"Payment Pending","3045":"Failed","3048":"View Purchase Details","3049":"Credit / Debit Card","3050":"Alipay","3051":"Issued","3052":"Apply Fapiao","3053":"Tax Number","3054":"Applied","3056":"Supplier Registration (FREE)","3057":"Complete the registration via SMS verification.","3065":"You will receive a registration email.","3066":"Click the register link in the email to complete the registration to log in the platform. If it isn\u0027t in your inbox, check your Spam, Junk or Trash folders.","3074":"DO NOT send system notification to bidders","3075":"Download Responses","3076":"Please select the Respondents you would like to display on your Report (Max 5)","3077":"Scoring Completed for ALL Respondents","3081":"Add Notes","3082":"Maximum 200 characters","3088":"Phone number with correct country code and + sign is required","3092":"Project Type","3107":"Not Interested","3115":"LATE","3116":"This RFX is CLOSED. You still can update prices and attachments for now but it will be classified as late submission.","3117":"Buyers have the rights to reject your submission. Do you want to continue?","3119":"Functional User Group","3145":"Answer Before","3146":"Pricing related?","3147":"Are you sure you want to CANCEL this RFX? All bids will be deleted permanently.","3148":"Remove attachments submitted by bidders","3150":"Category Code","3151":"Last Assessment Date","3152":"Assessment Expiration Date","3153":"Expiration Email Recipient","3159":"Legal Name","3161":"TN ID","3172":"Business Unit","3174":"Initial Sequence No.","3175":"Code","3176":"Domain","3181":"Reason","3186":"Please select Project Type","3200":"You are not authorized to perform this action.","3201":"Accept Late Submission","3224":"Same Company Name / same Domain found. Please add user manually.","3225":"Reminder Time should be later than Open Time and earlier than Close Time. Please reset timing.","3227":"Maximum of 25 records shown","3228":"Approval Request","3237":"Previously submitted before closing time.","3238":"Invalid format. Special characters like ! @ # $ % ^ \u0026 + = ? \u0027 ; not allowed.","3239":"Invalid Invitation Tag","3242":"Update Timing","3244":"Current Close Time","3245":"Approver(s)","3246":"Comments","3247":"Changes will take effect immediately if there is no approval required. ","3248":"{0} Attachment","3249":"Are you sure you want to {0} this attachment?","3250":"Bidder will no longer see this attachment again.","3251":"Unblind List","3252":"Unblind in sequence","3253":"Unblind Sequence","3254":"Unblinded","3255":"This RFX has been unblinded by:","3256":"Unable to unblind, not your turn yet.","3259":"Add Unblind Member","3260":"All Unblind Sequence are required.","3263":"Change Unblind Member","3264":"Change","3265":"You have done the unblind action.","3266":"User has been added.","3268":"Unhide","3271":"Are you sure you want to RESET the timing?","3273":"Non-$ Score must be integer and non-negative value.","3274":"There is something wrong with your file. Please revise it and upload again.","3275":"Base RFX Currency is empty. Please review before activate.","3276":"Blind","3277":"Currently Round","3280":"This RFX is not activated. Please inform the selected user to activate.","3282":"Confirm reset to Initial Sequence No.?","3285":"Send Reminder","3286":"Are you sure you want to SEND this award to supplier?","3287":"Max Value","3288":"Template for Sealed Bid and Auction","3289":"Bidder Evaluation","3294":"Max Characters","3295":"Code already exists.","3296":"Authentication Code has expired. You may click \"Resend\" to get a new Authentication Code.\u003cbr/\u003e Please note that Authentication Code will expire in 10 minutes.","3297":"Authentication code has been sent to","3300":"The selected file has exceeded the maximum allowed size limit.","3301":"Please select at least one file you want to zip and download","3303":"Password must be at least {0} characters and it is case sensitive","3304":"Category Name","3307":"Tag (separated by \";\")","3309":"Your password is older than {0} days. You are required to change new password.","3310":"Email exists and has set as private organization.","3311":"Company Name exists and has set as private organization.","3312":"Please contact the company representative to enable public organization setting at General Info of Administration page."}